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What is the best way to clean carpets with a carpet cleaner?

Carpets not only add warmth and comfort to our homes but also serve as a significant investment. However, carpets can accumulate dirt, stains, and odours with regular use, diminishing their appearance and longevity. Employing the proper cleaning techniques is crucial to maintaining the beauty and hygiene of your carpets.

Among the various methods available, using a carpet cleaner is an effective and efficient way to tackle stubborn stains and deep-seated grime. This comprehensive guide delves into the Best Carpet Cleaning practices for cleaning carpets with a carpet cleaner, ensuring that your carpets remain fresh, vibrant, and inviting.

Understanding Carpet Cleaners

Before diving into the cleaning process, it’s essential to understand the different types of carpet cleaners available. Carpet cleaners come in various forms, including

  • Steam Cleaners

Also known as hot water extractors, steam cleaners utilise hot water and cleaning solutions to penetrate deep into carpet fibres, loosening dirt and debris.

  • Dry Carpet Cleaners

These cleaners use chemical compounds or cleaning powders to absorb dirt and stains from the carpet fibres. They are ideal for delicate carpets that cannot withstand moisture.

  • Portable Spot Cleaners

Compact and lightweight, portable spot cleaners are designed to quickly target specific stains and spills. They are perfect for tackling small areas or spot-cleaning high-traffic areas.

  • Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines

Professional carpet cleaning machines offer unparalleled cleaning power, effectively removing stubborn stains and embedded dirt from carpets. These machines utilise advanced technology and high-quality cleaning solutions to deliver exceptional results. By investing in professional-grade equipment and professional services, you can achieve deep cleaning that enhances the appearance and longevity of their carpets.

It’s better to choose professionals for the best carpet cleaning services to ensure meticulous attention to detail and expertise, guaranteeing optimal outcomes and satisfaction.


Before embarking on the process, proper preparation is critical to achieving optimal results. Here are some essential steps to prepare your carpets for cleaning

  • Clear the Area

Remove any furniture, toys, or other objects from the carpeted area to ensure unobstructed access.

  • Vacuum Thoroughly

Vacuum the entire carpet surface to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris. This step helps prevent the spread of dirt during the cleaning process and allows the carpet cleaner to focus on deeper cleaning.

  • Pre-treat Stains

Identify stubborn stains or spots on the carpet and pre-treat them with an appropriate stain remover or cleaning solution. Allow the pre-treatment to sit for a few minutes to penetrate the stain before cleaning.

Cleaning Process

Now that the preparation is complete, it’s time to start cleaning your carpets with a carpet cleaner. Follow these steps for a thorough and effective cleaning

  • Fill the Tank

If using a steam cleaner or portable carpet cleaner, fill the clean water tank with hot water and the recommended amount of carpet cleaning solution. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution ratios and product usage.

  • Start from the Farthest Point

Clean the carpet from the farthest corner of the room and work your way backward toward the exit. This ensures you don’t walk on freshly cleaned areas, preventing re-soiling.

  • Apply the Cleaning Solution

Turn on the carpet cleaner and slowly push the machine forward, releasing the cleaning solution onto the carpet. Then, pull the machine back over the same area without releasing any solution to extract the dirty water and debris. Repeat this process, overlapping each pass slightly until the entire carpeted area is cleaned.

  • Focus on High-Traffic Areas

Pay special attention to areas of the carpet that receive the most foot traffic, as they are prone to deeper soiling and stains. You may need to make additional passes or use a higher concentration of the best carpet cleaning solution in these areas.

  • Extract Excess Moisture

After cleaning the carpet, go over the entire area again with the carpet cleaner, using only hot water to rinse away any remaining cleaning solution. This step helps remove detergent residue and ensures a thorough cleaning.

Best Carpet Cleaning

Drying and Finishing Touches

Once the cleaning process is complete, allowing your carpets to dry thoroughly before replacing furniture or walking on them is essential. Here are some tips for drying and finishing your carpets

  • Air Circulation

Increase air circulation in the room by opening windows, turning on fans, or using a dehumidifier to speed up drying.

  • Avoid Walking on Wet Carpet

Avoid walking on the carpet until completely dry to prevent crushing the fibres and causing new stains.

  • Groom the Carpet

Use a carpet rake or brush to fluff the carpet fibres and restore their appearance after cleaning. This step also helps remove any lingering debris or pet hair.

  • Apply Carpet Protector (Optional)

Consider applying a carpet protector after cleaning to help repel future stains and prolong the carpet’s lifespan. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying times.

Regular Maintenance

To keep your carpets looking their best between deep cleanings, incorporate these maintenance tips into your routine

  • Vacuum Regularly

Vacuum high-traffic areas at least once a week and the entire carpeted area once or twice a week to remove surface dirt and prevent it from settling into the fibres.

  • Address Spills Immediately

Attend to spills and stains promptly to prevent them from setting into the carpet fibres and becoming more challenging to remove.

  • Rotate Furniture

Periodically rearrange furniture to distribute weight evenly across the carpet and prevent permanent indentations.

  • Professional Cleaning

Schedule professional carpet cleanings every 12-18 months to remove embedded dirt and rejuvenate the carpet fibres.

Wrapping Up

Maintaining clean carpets is essential for both aesthetics and hygiene in our homes. Utilising the appropriate carpet cleaning method, such as professional-grade services, ensures deep cleaning and longevity. Remember, professionals understand the various cleaning techniques and implement proper preparation and maintenance for your carpets. So, choose Total Cleaning Melbourne for the carpet cleaning services. Our team specialises in providing the best carpet cleaning services, offering exceptional carpet cleaning solutions tailored to your needs. Get in touch with our carpet cleaners and experience the difference.

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