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My Carpet is Changing Colour – Here’s Why!

Have you ever noticed that your carpet can sometimes change colour? This happens when the pigmentation within the carpet changes colour due to regular wear and tear or damage. Though it may be something most people don’t notice, it can affect the look of the carpet, making it look older than it really is.

That is why Total Cleaning Melbourne strives to offer Melbourne Carpet Cleaning, and we want to let our customers know why this happens so they can take care of their carpets accordingly in order to maintain their quality and colour.

What causes my carpet to change colour?

Carpet colours can change for a number of reasons, including the type of carpet, age and cleanliness. One of the most common causes for colour change is simply that dirt has built up over time.

If your carpet is older or you are not cleaning it regularly, you may notice that it has faded and turned a different colour. Fortunately, this can be reversed by getting professional Carpet Cleaning to offer a wide range of services from regular vacuuming to more thorough deep-cleaning treatments and everything in between.

Can changing colours mean there is a leak in my home?

Colour changes in carpets can be caused by a number of things. For example, if there are leaks or spills on the carpet, the dye in the carpet can be absorbed into the water and will change the colour.

carpet cleaning

Commonly, people believe that their carpet has changed colour because it needs to be cleaned. However, this is not always true – depending on what materials your carpet has been made from, a Melbourne Carpets Cleaning professional may not need to do anything at all to restore your carpet’s colours.

When should I be worried about changing colours?

There are a few reasons that your carpet may change colour.

  • The first and most common is due to the manufacturing process of the carpet. As the carpet ages, it will start to fade or lighten in colour. This can happen for a number of different reasons, such as the materials used, exposure to UV light, and so on.
  • The second reason for a carpet changing colour is because of food or dirt being spilled onto it and not properly cleaned up. For example, if you spill coffee on your white rug, then this could cause some discolouration over time.
  • The third reason for a carpet changing colours could be an allergic reaction to one of the chemicals used in the manufacturing process.

How can I fix this problem?

The most common reason for your carpet to change colour is bleach. If you have bleach on the floor, this can cause a reaction that causes the colour to change. It also needs to be noted that if you are living in an area with high humidity, your carpet may appear to be changing colour because of mould growth or mildew.

One way to fix this problem is by using a professional cleaner who can address the issue and help restore your carpet back to its original condition.


While it’s alarming to see your carpet changing colour, it doesn’t mean that you have to replace it. With a good deep clean from the team at Total Cleaning Melbourne, we can get your carpets back to their original state in no time! Contact us today for a free quote, and let us take care of everything.

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