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Carpet Steam Cleaning vs Dry Cleaning: A Brief Explanation

Carpet Steam Cleaning Melbourne and dry cleaning have become two of the most popular options for cleaning carpets.

While they do have some similarities, they also have some differences that you should consider before deciding which option is right for you.

Steam Cleaning Carpeting

Carpet Steam Cleaning Melbourne is a process that uses pressurised water to clean carpets, upholstery and other fabrics. The process uses steam and detergent to remove soil from the surface of your fabrics.

It’s essentially a modified version of hand washing, with the added benefit of being able to clean a larger area at once.

Why Steam Clean Your Carpet?

Steam cleaning is a great way to deep clean your carpet. Steam cleaning helps eliminate most stains, and it’s safe for both pets and people. It’s also convenient since you don’t have to bring anything in or pick up anything afterwards! The best part? It won’t damage the fibres in your carpet as dry cleaning can.

carpet clean

Steam cleaning allows you to remove dirt from deep within the fibres of your carpet without using harsh chemicals or pressing them with industrial machines, which can wear out the material and make it less dense over time.

This allows for better airflow so that moisture doesn’t get trapped inside—great if you live somewhere humid!

Steam cleaning vs. dry cleaning carpeting

Steam cleaners use hot, pressurised water and detergent to clean carpets. They can remove allergens and bacteria from your carpeting without damaging the fibres.

Dry cleaners use solvents that penetrate deep into the fabric of your carpeting to remove stains and odours. They should only be used on non-carpeted surfaces because they may damage carpets if left on too long. If you have carpeting that is stained or dirty, you should use a steam cleaner. If you have carpeting that is stained or dirty, you should use a steam cleaner.

If your carpets are not very dirty but just need some freshening up, dry cleaning may be enough.

How long does it take the carpet to dry after steam cleaning?

Most carpets are dry and ready for use in about an hour, though the actual drying time will vary depending on the type of carpet (and if you have a thick pile), how humid your home is and other factors.

Expect it to take longer if there are a lot of soiled or stained areas that need to be cleaned.

carpet cleaning

While you can walk on the carpet as soon as it’s clean and dry, depending on the type of carpeting, you may want to wait at least 24 hours before allowing people (or pets) onto freshly cleaned carpets.

This will help ensure that all stains are completely set into place, so they don’t come back up when someone puts weight on them.

How long will the results last?

In the end, it’s up to you and your carpet. If you have young kids who play hard on the floor, or if you’re prone to spilling food and drinks on the carpet, then dry cleaning may be a better option for you.

If not, go ahead and steam clean—but keep in mind that frequent dry cleaning will help keep your carpets free of stains and odours.

One thing is for certain: if you’ve never had your floors cleaned by professionals before, we recommend trying both methods so that you can see what works best for your home (and schedule).

That way, when it comes time to hire someone new (or choose an in-home professional), they’ll know which type of cleaning suits both their needs as well as yours!


It’s important to remember that there are many aspects of carpeting that will play into your decision about whether or not you want to Carpet Steam Cleaning Melbourne.

The most important thing is to find out as much information about the process and what it can do for your carpet before choosing which method works best for you.

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