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6 Carpet Cleaning Hacks You Need to Try

Carpets are a luxurious addition to any home, but they can quickly become magnets for dirt, stains, and odours. The good news is that you don’t have to break the bank or spend hours scrubbing to keep your carpets in pristine condition.

In this blog, we’re unveiling six professional carpet cleaning hacks that will revolutionize how you maintain your flooring. From everyday household items to professional-grade techniques, we’ve got you covered.

Say goodbye to stubborn stains, pesky pet hair, and dingy carpets, and say hello to a cleaner, cozier home. Let’s dive into the world of Carpet Cleaners Melbourne and make your carpets look and feel brand new.

Baking Soda Magic

Let’s start with the simplest DIY carpet cleaning hack of all. Baking soda is your saviour when it comes to freshening up your carpets. Here’s how to do it:

  • Sprinkle: Generously sprinkle baking soda all over your carpet.
  • Wait: Leave it to sit for at least 15-20 minutes (or longer if possible).
  • Vacuum: After the waiting period, vacuum up the baking soda, and you’ll be amazed at how fresh your carpet smells.

Baking soda not only absorbs odours but also helps loosen dirt and grime. It’s a natural and cost-effective home carpet cleaning trick that can be used regularly to maintain a clean, fresh-smelling carpet.

Club Soda Stain Remover

Got a stubborn stain that just won’t budge? This carpet cleaning solutions trick using club soda might do some magic:

  • Blot: First, blot the stained area with a clean cloth to remove any excess spill.
  • Pour: Pour some club soda directly onto the stain.
  • Blot Again: Gently blot the area with a clean cloth, working from the outside in.
  • Rinse: Finally, rinse the spot with water and blot dry.

This method works wonders on most stains and is a fantastic hack to have up your sleeve. Club soda’s effervescence helps lift stains from the carpet fibres, making them easier to remove.

Ice for Gum and Wax

Gum and wax on your carpet can be a nightmare. But this carpet cleaning trick makes it a breeze:

  • Ice: Place a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and hold it against the gum or wax until it hardens.
  • Scrape: Use a butter knife or a credit card to gently scrape off the hardened gum or wax.

Voila! Your carpet is gum and wax-free, thanks to this nifty hack. Plus, you won’t damage your carpet fibres in the process.

DIY Carpet Cleaner

For a deep clean that won’t break the bank, make your own DIY carpet cleaner:

  • Ingredients: Mix one part white vinegar with two parts water.
  • Spray and Blot: Spray the solution onto stains and blot with a clean cloth. Repeat until the stain disappears.
  • Rinse: Rinse the area with water and blot dry.

This homemade solution is not only effective but also much cheaper than commercial carpet cleaners. It’s one of the most budget-friendly carpet cleaning tricks that can tackle even tough stains and refresh your carpet.

Carpet Brush Revival

A simple carpet cleaning trick to bring life back to your carpet is to use a carpet brush:

  • Brush: Use a stiff-bristle carpet brush to loosen dirt and revive flattened carpet fibres.
  • Vacuum: Follow up with a thorough vacuuming to remove the dislodged dirt.

Regular brushing can keep your carpet looking fresh between deep cleanings. It’s an easy hack that requires minimal effort but can make a significant difference in the appearance of your carpet.

Avoid Shoe Traffic

Prevention is key when it comes to carpet maintenance. One of the best carpet cleaning hacks is to establish a “no shoes” policy in your home. Encourage family members and guests to remove their shoes before entering.

By implementing this simple rule, you’ll significantly reduce the amount of dirt, debris, and stains that find their way onto your carpets. It’s a proactive approach to maintaining a cleaner carpet without the need for constant cleaning.


Keeping your carpets clean doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With these carpet cleaning hacks in your arsenal, you’ll have clean, fresh carpets without the stress or expense.

From stains to odours, these budget-friendly solutions will help you maintain clean and fresh carpets, making your home a more comfortable and inviting place. So, go ahead, try out these tips, and enjoy the comfort of your immaculate carpets.

And if you still need any assistance or don’t just have time to DIY, then trust the experts at Total Cleaning Melbourne. As a leading Carpet Stain Cleaning Melbourne company, we are your go-to option for keeping your carpets in excellent condition. Reach out to us and start your journey towards pristine carpets!

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