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Why Carpet Steam Cleaning Is Always the Customer’s Choice?

As a homeowner or a tenant, you may have tried different carpet cleaning methods like vacuuming or using a spot cleaner, but have you ever considering the best carpet steam cleaning Melbourne? Steam cleaning your carpet is considered one of the best cleaning methods for a variety of reasons. Not only does it remove dirt and stains, but it also sanitises your carpet and gets rid of pollutants, such as allergens and bacteria.

In this blog post, we will explore seven reasons why carpet steam cleaning is always the customer’s choice.

Steam cleaning is efficient.

Best carpet steam cleaning Melbourne is popular among customers is its efficiency. Compared to traditional cleaning methods, steam cleaning is much faster, and it requires less physical work. This is because the steam cleaner does most of the work. All you have to do is simply move the cleaner back and forth over your carpet like you would when you vacuum.

It’s eco-friendly.

Steam cleaning uses minimal water and no harsh chemicals. This makes it an eco-friendly and safe cleaning method for your carpet and the environment. The steam’s heat does most of the cleaning work, so there is no need for harmful cleaning agents.

It improves air quality.

According to recent research, indoor air quality is usually two to five times worse than outdoor air quality due to pollutants trapped inside. Among these pollutants are pet dander, pollen, and dust mites, which may cause allergy and respiratory problems. Steam cleaning helps remove these pollutants, leaving your carpets and the air within your home cleaner.

carpet cleaning

It kills germs and bacteria.

Steam cleaning kills germs and bacteria that have settled deep within your carpets. This includes E.coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. This is achieved by the high temperatures of the steam, which penetrates deep into the carpets’ fibers, reaching deep-seated bacteria and germs.

It eliminates odours.

If your carpet has pet urine, smoke, or food spills, the odours are tough to remove. Steam cleaning helps to eliminate unpleasant smells that accumulate in your carpets.

It helps to prevent re-soiling.

After cleaning your carpet traditionally, the residue from detergents and soaps may remain in the fibres. This sticky residue attracts dirt, which results in re-soiling. Steam cleaning is detergent-free; therefore, there is no residue left behind, leaving your carpets cleaner for longer.

It helps prolong the lifespan of your carpet.

With proper maintenance, your carpet can last for many years. carpet cleaning helps prolong the lifespan of your carpet by removing dirt and contaminants that may harm your carpet fibres. Steam cleaning goes deep beyond the surface level, extending the life span of your carpet.


In summary, if you want clean carpets, best carpet steam cleaning Melbourne is the best option for you. It is fast, efficient, eco-friendly, and it helps improve indoor air quality. Additionally, steam cleaning helps rid your carpets of harmful germs and bacteria, eliminates unpleasant smells, prevents re-soiling, and prolongs your carpets’ lifespan. So, the next time you are thinking of cleaning your carpets, then call Total Cleaning Melbourne, and you will not regret it!

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