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What Dirty Secrets Does Your Carpet Harbour?

Carpets are notorious for retaining a wide range of dirt, including pet hair, dust mites, insect husks, dead skin cells, mould, bacteria, dust, and other allergens. All of these things cling to carpet fibres and can cause allergies in otherwise healthy people.

When it comes to treating urine stains on carpet or upholstery, whether dog, cat or human (babies, we hope), we take our job very seriously! If stains are not properly treated, the odour can spread throughout the house, affecting your health and happiness. The longer an incident and stain go untreated, the more likely it is that the urine odour will permeate deeper into floors and even into your home’s foundation. But, seriously, read on to learn why you should never put off treating urine stains and contamination and why you should hire a professional Carpet Cleaning Services to do it.

When it comes to stains, appearances can be deceiving.

You may believe you have cleaned up your baby’s accident, and it is true that some cleaners can remove the water-soluble components of urine. They do, however, leave behind uric acid crystals that retain the odour and stain.

These crystals become embedded in carpet or upholstery fibres and are difficult to remove. Any humidity or dampness will awaken the dormant crystals, reviving the odour. Using a professional, will deep extraction technique ‘eats up’ the uric acid crystals, permanently removing both the urine stain and the odour.

Cat will return to the crime scene.

Cats are typically particular about their toilet habits, using a litter tray indoors or going outside on a regular basis. A one-time accident can happen if a cat is ill, trapped in a room, or suddenly scared.

If the inappropriate urination continues, it should be investigated by a veterinarian.

However, once your cat has urinated on your carpet or couch, its sensitive nose will encourage it to use that location as a regular toilet. With Carpet Cleaning Services, assist in breaking this habit by removing the urine and odour and allowing your cat to rediscover the litter tray.

Urine can contain dangerous bacteria.

Leptospirosis was once thought to be a rare disease, but it was discovered last year. It’s a serious disease that spreads from animals to humans, and the most common way to get it is through contact with the urine of infected animals, which includes cats and (mostly) dogs.

It is not worth putting your health at risk in order to treat your pet’s urine contamination. Call in the pros to restore the hygiene of your carpet or upholstery.

What about those “home remedies”…

Home remedies can be found all over the Internet. Baking soda and vinegar are popular natural remedies for a variety of ailments. While they may effectively remove stains, they will not address the underlying issue – the odour lingering deep within the fibres.

While there are many DIY products available these days, nothing truly treats the problem better than the deep extraction method used by professional carpet cleaning services. Don’t put off treating the stain; call us today to schedule a professional carpet cleaning!

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