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Say Goodbye to Allergens and Breathe Easier with Carpet Cleaning

Have you ever noticed that after a thorough Melbourne Carpet Cleaning, the air in your home feels clean and fresh? It’s because our vacuum cleaners don’t just pick up dust; they also pull-out allergens and irritants.

Whether it’s pollen, mould spores, or pet dander, these things can build up inside your carpets over time if you don’t get them removed.

Regular cleaning with a steam cleaner or shampooer will keep allergens from building up in your carpets, but if you want an even better solution for eliminating allergens from your home, then consider having us do a deep steam cleaning of all of your carpets.

Elimination of Allergens

When you have Melbourne Carpet Cleaning done, you’ll be able to breathe easier and enjoy an improved quality of life. Carpets are notorious for collecting allergens, dust mites and pet dander — all of which can irritate your respiratory system and make you sick. That’s why we recommend that our clients get their carpets cleaned at least once a year to keep the air in their homes clean and healthy.

We also offer services that help reduce pollen outside on hard surfaces such as driveways or sidewalks so that when guests come over, they won’t have to deal with sneezing fits!

Thorough Deep Cleaning

Carpet cleaning is a process that removes dirt, dust mites and other allergens from your carpet. Deep cleaning goes above and beyond regular cleaning by removing stains and odours as well as allergens.

The first step in deep cleaning is pre-treating stains with a specialty product designed for this purpose. You’ll want to make sure you have ample time before starting because it can take hours for the pre-treatment solution to absorb into the fibres of your carpeting.

If you’re trying to get rid of red wine or chocolate milk stains on top of everything else, those are going to need extra attention!

Once applied properly, though (and allowed plenty of time), these products work wonders at getting rid of even stubborn stains so that when we come back later today with our powerful vacuum machines, there won’t be anything left behind but fresh cleanliness!

Removal of Stubborn Stains and Odours

Stubborn stains and odours are common problems for homeowners. When you have a stain or odour on your carpet, it can be frustrating to clean up. However, there are ways of removing stubborn stains and odours from carpets that do not involve replacing them with new ones!

Stain removal techniques vary depending on the type of stain you’re dealing with, but one thing is certain: if you want to get rid of stubborn stains and odours, you’ll need something stronger than soap or water alone.

There are several options available for dealing with these types of issues ranging from household cleaners (like vinegar) all the way up to professional-grade chemicals that require special equipment in order for them to work properly.

Prevention of Meld and Mildew Growth

When you think of mould and mildew, you may think of the stuff that grows on old food or in your bathroom. But it’s not just inanimate objects that can develop these pesky growths–mould and mildew can also grow in carpets. These growths are dangerous to your health, so it’s important to prevent them from forming by regularly cleaning your carpeting with our professional services.

If left untreated, mould and mildew can cause serious respiratory problems like asthma attacks or even allergies!

If you live in an area where humidity levels are high (like Florida), then this is especially important for you since those conditions make it easier for these allergens to spread throughout your home.


We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions about Melbourne Carpet Cleaning services at home or business, contact us today at Total Cleaning Melbourne. We have all your cleaning needs covered with our comprehensive cleaning services

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