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Does Carpet Cleaning Prolong The Lifespan Of Carpets?

If you’re like me, you have a dog and/or kids. If so, then your carpets are probably in need of professional Carpet Cleaning Services every six months or so.

But what if I told you that professional carpet cleaning isn’t just about making your home smell nice and removing stains? It can actually help extend the life of your carpet!

The importance of professional cleaning

If you want your carpets to last as long as possible, it’s important that they’re cleaned professionally. There are a number of reasons why this is true:

  • Professional carpet cleaning will help remove stains and odours. Stains and odours can be difficult to get rid of on your own, especially if the stain has been there for years.
  • Professional cleaners have access to more powerful solutions than those available at home improvement stores or grocery stores–they can use stronger chemicals that will break down stubborn stains faster than what you could do on your own with store-bought products.
  • Professional carpet cleaning removes allergens from the air around us all day long when we walk across our floors without shoes on.
  • Allergens include dust mites, pollen grains from trees outside our windowsills and grasses outside our front doors, pet dander; mould spores growing inside humid areas where water leaks often occur enough over time due to poor maintenance practices by homeowners themselves.

How often should you have your carpets cleaned professionally?

How often you should have your carpets cleaned depends on how much traffic they get. If you have pets or a smoker in the house, you should have them professionally cleaned more often. If you have kids (or just like to play with toys), then it’s best to get them cleaned every six months or so as well.

Carpet cleaning professionals will tell you that there are two main reasons why people choose not to have their carpets cleaned: cost and time constraints. But if you’re looking at this article because of its title–and we hope that’s why–then we can help solve both problems.

The best way to get your carpet clean is by hiring a professional carpet cleaning company. They’ll come out and give you a free estimate, so you know exactly what it will cost before they start working on your carpets.

Carpet Cleaning Services

The Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning

The benefits of professional carpet cleaning are numerous. When you hire a professional cleaner, they can:

  • Remove stains and spills from your carpet that you may have tried to clean yourself but were unsuccessful at doing so.
  • Remove dirt and dust that has accumulated on the fibres of your carpet over time, which will help keep it looking newer for longer.
  • Prevent mould growth in any damp spots on your carpets by removing any excess moisture from these areas so that they don’t become damaged by water damage due to poor ventilation levels inside the home or office building (or other factors).

Remove allergens and irritants that may have accumulated in your carpet over time, which will help prevent any future allergies or asthma flare-ups.

Does Carpet Cleaning Prolong the Lifespan of Carpets?

Yes, professional carpet cleaning prolongs the lifespan of carpets. There are many reasons why professional carpet cleaning prolongs the lifespan of carpets.

First, it removes dirt and dust that can cause premature wear and tear on your carpets. Second, it removes contaminants that can cause allergies and asthma in people who live in those homes with dirty or damaged carpets.


We hope this article has helped you understand the benefits of professional Carpet Cleaning Services and how they can prolong the lifespan of your carpets. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us- Total Cleaning Melbourne. We are known as the most dependable and effective carpet cleaning company. Your carpets will look and smell brand-new after being cleaned by our team of knowledgeable and skilled technicians.

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