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Carpet Dry Cleaning vs Steam Cleaning – The Facts!

So, you are looking to clean your carpets. You have heard of steam cleaning and Carpet Dry Cleaning Melbourne service, but you are not sure what’s best for your needs.

In this article, we will take a look at both options so that you can make an informed decision about whether steam cleaning or dry cleaning would be best for your home or business.

Carpet dry cleaning

Carpet dry cleaning is a safe and effective method of cleaning carpets. It’s done with a special machine that uses hot air to remove dirt and stains, so it’s great if you have allergies or pets (as long as they don’t shed too much).

Carpet Dry Cleaning service can be expensive compared to steam cleaning, but it also doesn’t require chemicals. That makes this method ideal for people who want a more natural approach when it comes to their home care products!

What are the Benefits of Carpet Dry Cleaning

If you’ve got a pet or two in the house, then you know how bad the smell can get. You might think that steam cleaning would do the trick, but unfortunately, it doesn’t really remove any smells at all!

Carpet dry cleaning uses an advanced technique called ‘wet extraction’, which gets rid of all those nasty odours.

The process involves spraying an organic solvent onto your carpet and then vacuuming up everything into one large bag before sucking out any remaining moisture through another hose connected to your vacuum cleaner.

This method leaves behind no residue, so there are no stains left behind, either!

Carpet Dry Cleaning

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is a relatively new method of cleaning carpets. It uses high-pressure steam to remove dirt, grime, stains and odours from your carpet.

The process is quick and easy to do yourself at home with a special machine that you rent or purchase outright.

The benefits of steam cleaning include the following:

  • No chemicals are used during the process, so it’s safe for kids and pets (and even people with allergies).
  • You can clean large areas quickly without having to go over them multiple times like you would with traditional methods like shampooing or dry Cleaning.
  • It leaves no residue behind on your floors, which makes it perfect if you have hardwood floors underneath your carpeting!

What are the Benefits of Carpet Steam Cleaning

Carpet Steam Cleaning is a more thorough cleaning method than carpet dry cleaning, and it takes longer to complete. As a result, you’ll likely be paying more money for this type of service than if you went with the less expensive option.

If you’re looking for deep-down dirt removal and fresh-smelling carpets that are completely free from allergens or bacteria, then go ahead and choose carpet steam cleaning.


We hope this article has helped you understand the difference between Steam Cleaning and Carpet Dry Cleaning Melbourne so that you can make a more informed decision when it comes time to get your carpets cleaned.

If you want most cost-effective Carpet Dry Cleaning service, feel free to contact us today at Total cleaning Melbourne. Our expert and friendly team will help you out in no time.

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