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Carpet Cleaning: DIY vs Hiring Professionals

Carpet cleaning is a tricky business. Many factors go into choosing the right method and product, and it can be overwhelming to figure out which route is best for you.

However, Melbourne carpet cleaning doesn’t have to be a harrowing experience. If you’re thinking about hiring professionals to handle it, here are some things to consider.

DIY Carpet Cleaning

Cleaning your carpet is a simple and effective way to keep it looking its best. You can do it yourself or hire a professional, but either way, there are some things you should know before you get started.

    • Make sure you have all of the materials needed for cleaning: a vacuum cleaner with attachments; water-based cleaning products (not oil-based); stain remover; scrub brush or sponge; paper towels for drying wet spots on the carpet after they’ve been cleaned up.
    • Be careful when using chemicals on your flooring! Allergies are common among people with sensitive skin so take extra precaution when applying any product that might irritate.
  • Once finished vacuuming up loose dirt particles from your carpeting and upholstery surfaces (including drapes), apply warm water mixed with gentle soap solution onto the surface area being cleaned.

Hiring Professionals

Hiring a professional is not only an option, it’s often the best one. You don’t have to do it yourself, after all. And if you’re looking for a good Melbourne carpet cleaning service in your area, we are your option.

If you’re interested in hiring someone to clean your carpets and upholstery, here’s what you need to know,

  • You can get the service at your budget-friendly price.
  • You will be at peace of mind throughout the whole process.

Melbourne Carpet Cleaning

Cons of DIY Carpet Cleaning

DIY carpet cleaning is not a great option, it doesn’t have the flexibility to clean your carpets. You don’t have the appropriate materials to clean your carpet properly.

If DIY isn’t for you and you prefer hiring professionals, several factors should influence your decision:

Pros of Hiring Professionals

Hiring professionals is the best way to clean carpets. It’s more expensive, but it’s worth the money. You’ll save time and energy doing it yourself, but you won’t get the same results as a professional would.

  • Professionals have all of the tools and experience needed to get your carpet looking its best in no time at all. They know what products are best suited for different types of rugs and can even recommend which ones will work best with your specific needs (like pets).
  • They’ll also be able to tell you how often you should clean your carpets for them not only look good but last longer too!

How often should you clean your carpet?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors. The most important thing is to make sure that your carpet is clean because even if it looks clean, it could still be harbouring germs and bacteria.

If you have kids or pets in the house, then there will be more dirt on your carpet than if you didn’t have kids or pets in the house, more frequent cleaning will be required.

In addition to this consideration, how often should you clean your carpets also depends on what type of material they are made from. Are they natural fibres (like wool) or synthetic fibres (like nylon)? Natural fibres tend to hold onto stains longer than synthetic ones do; therefore, if someone spills something like wine on their wool rug for example then it might stay there for longer before being cleaned off by vacuuming by experts only!


Now that you know the pros and cons of DIY carpet cleaning, you must think of hiring professionals, it’s time to decide what’s best for your situation.

However, if it’s just one room or area where stains have accumulated over time then hiring professionals for Melbourne carpet cleaning could be more cost-effective. Here, at Total Cleaning Melbourne our workers are keen to assess the situation of your home carpet and serve you comprehensive services. So, visit us and book your carpet cleaning in Melbourne with us.

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