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Caravan Detailing Myths Busted!

Caravan Detailing in Melbourne

People sometimes restrict themselves to take a certain decision for the betterment of their automobile, like Caravan, because of something that they might have heard from someone who might have heard from someone else and believed it to be true. Believing in some such words that may not have any justification or fact to prove them right would do no good. Here are some such beliefs related to Caravan Detailing in Melbourne that have been classed as myths.

Myth 1) Shiny Equivalents Spotless

The eyes may be so deceptive sometimes! Even if an automobile appears to be spotless, it can nevertheless be filthy. The only way to make sure that the Caravan is not only shiny due to the wax or polish but is also clean is to just swipe a finger on the surface of the Caravan; if you feel slightly rough, then surely your eyes did deceive you.

Myth 2) Dishwashing Detergent Does the Work

Regardless matter how many times it has been brought out as a myth; many people still don’t seem to believe it like some fact. You may view the dishwashing detergent as a strong washing option. It may eliminate dirt, grease, and oil, but it also removes the polymer that protects the paint finish! You surely do not want that, right?


Myth 3) Polishing and Waxing Are Interchangeable Terms

There is a significant and obvious distinction between the two.

The purpose of polishing is to make the Caravan’s surface shine. Waxing, on the other hand, is used to protect the finish of the Caravan.

Considering either of these two is enough for your Caravan is the biggest mistake you would make. If you opt for the only polishing that you sure would add shine to the surface, often Caravan, but this shine does not protect the finish of the surface.

Similarly, if you opt only for wax, it surely would add a definitive layer of protection that may not give the shine that polish does.

Myth 4) Only Wash Can Do

Most people only wash their caravans when there is a VISIBLE DIRT collected on the surface of the Caravan. The issue with that load of dirt is that it gradually rips away at the wax, the only protective layer that would keep the finish away from damage, causing damage to the paint surface. Make washing your vehicle a part of your normal maintenance routine to eliminate this possibility.

Myth 5) Caravan Detailing and Washing Are the Same

This is not true because caravan washing simply removes surface filth, whereas the detailing procedure takes longer because it includes washing, waxing, polishing, and even comprehensive Interior cleaning.

All of these elements are necessary if you want to extend the life span of the exterior and interior components of the Caravan, especially the interiors components that included the upholstery.

You might have got a clear idea by now what irreparable damage you can be caused by believing in the myths like the ones listed above. Get them out of mind and take Caravan Detailing in Melbourne into consideration right away.

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